Tim Holtz Distress® Foundry Wax FAQs

Tim Holtz Distress® Foundry Wax FAQs


 Tim Holtz Distress® Foundry Wax FAQs Beauty Image

What is Distress Foundry Wax?

Distress Foundry Wax is a solvent-based liquid wax designed to create luminous metallic highlights on porous and non-porous surfaces. The fluid wax transforms into a vibrant, permanent metallic finish once heat is applied.  



Foundry Wax FAQS All the Colors


How many colors of Foundry Wax are there?

There are four colors, and they come in kits as follows:

Kit #1: Gilded/Mined

Kit #2: Sterling/Statue


How do you use Distress Foundry Wax?

  1. Shake the bottle until mixing ball rattles and pigments mix.
  2. Apply drops of wax to Craft Sheet or non-porous surface.
  3. Apply directly to the surface using a 3/8” flat dry paintbrush, or you can apply it with your fingertip, unless your fingers are sensitive, then use glove or a finger cot.
  4. Heat with a Ranger Heat It™ Tool until the wax becomes shiny to transform finish.

Some other tips for use:

  • Use in a well-ventilated area. 
  • If you have sensitive skin, wearing gloves is recommended while using it.
  • Replace the cap once you pour it out of the bottle since the air makes it harden.
  • Before heating the Foundry Wax, make sure the bottles are not near your heat source since heat can cause the wax to harden.



Distress Foundry Wax FAQs on metal


On what surfaces can I use Foundry Wax?

You can use it on paper, metal, wood, 3-D printing, glass, resin pieces, and any surfaces that can withstand heat. The darker the surface, the more dramatic the metallic will look. It makes a great accent on all your craft and mixed media projects.



 Foundry Wax Liquid

Foundry Wax Cream

Foundry Wax Paste

Why does my Foundry Wax get thick while I am using it?

As you work with the wax and air hits it, it goes through several stages. It is liquid out of the bottle, then it becomes a cream, and next, it becomes a thicker paste. It will eventually dry and become chalky if you work it too long, so it is best to work quickly. After heating, it becomes a shiny permanent metallic solid that looks like gold leafing and doesn’t make a mess. 


How is Distress Foundry Wax different from embossing powder?

Embossing Powder is tiny granules of plastic in a powder form that needs to be applied to a substrate with embossing ink to make it stick before you can melt it. Typically, you would apply embossing ink to a stamp, press it onto cardstock, pour the powder over the image, remove the excess, and heat it with an embossing tool until it melts. Embossing powder melts at varying temperatures starting at about 300°F.

Foundry Wax is a one-step application that starts as a liquid, and the more you work with it, it becomes thick like a paste. You apply it to a surface with a brush and heat it to make it solid and metallic. The wax will melt between 180-190°F. Once the heat is removed and it cools, then it will harden. It will re-melt at that temperature, too, if you re-heat it. You wouldn’t use it with a stamp because it has a short open time, and you may not get the results you want, and your stamp may be hard to clean.


Does Foundry Wax need to be sealed?

Foundry Wax becomes permanent when heated and does not need to be sealed.



Foundry Wax FAQS with ink sprays

Do you always have to use Foundry Wax as a top coat?

The typical use of Foundry Wax is to accent raised edges, but you can use it as a resist. You can apply the wax as a bottom layer and then use dye ink pads or sprays over the top and wipe off any excess ink.


Is Foundry Wax Food Safe?

Foundry Wax is a product that should be used only for decorative crafts and mixed media projects. Please do not use it on plates, cups, or anything that will contact food or drinks.


How do you clean Foundry Wax off your work surface and tools?

You can use hand sanitizer or isopropyl alcohol to clean your hands, work surface, or tools.


How do you store Foundry Wax?

It is best to store Foundry Wax on its side for quicker mixing. The wax hardens at about 180-190°F. Please do not leave it in your car or where the bottles could be exposed to extreme hot temperatures.

For more ideas on using Tim Holtz Distress® Foundry Wax, watch this video on Tim’s blog