Faux Graniteware on Glass with Wendy Vecchi

Wendy Vecchi


Ranger Signature Artist Wendy Vecchi joins us today with a tutorial demonstrating her Faux Graniteware technique on glass.

1. Choose a small clear glass jar or vase.

2. Choose one color of Archival Ink and the coordinating embossing powder.

3. Use the mini blending tool to add archival ink to a portion of the vase (just tap it on), then sprinkle with the embossing powder while the ink is wet.

4. Use the embossing gun to melt the embossing powder.

5. Allow the glass to cool before proceeding. Heated glass gets HOT. Continue adding archival ink to the vase & adding embossing powder. Heat the powder to melt. Continue to cover the vase. I did this in 3 sections.

6. Add a second layer of archival ink, then embossing powder (if desired) to create a smoother finish. This is optional..sometimes I do, sometimes not.
Allow the glass to cool completely.

7. To create an aged effect, use Potting Soil on a blending tool to add ink in random areas, starting at the top.

DO NOT DRY the Potting Soil ink. The Glacier White will absorb some of the Potting Soil and make it less stark.

8. Use the unmounted spatter stamp with Glacier White to add dots to the top of the vase as shown. Dry with the Heat-It tool.

9. Continue adding Potting Soil to the rest of the vase. DO NOT DRY.

10. Use the unmounted spatter stamp with Glacier White to stamp over the vase & dry with the Heat-It tool.

11. Choose remnant rubs and add to the vase with the Remnant Rub Tool.

IGNORE that red heart! I decided not to use it…lol.

Here’s the completed vase all ready for some fresh flowers. (IMG 2905) & (IMG 2909)

    If it can “take the heat” it CAN be embossed. This technique can be used on multiple surfaces including bare wood, glass, metal, art parts, Magic Matboard, die cuts, Grungeboard, cardstock, manila tags, chipboard and more.
  • This technique is a great way to transform a discarded glass jar or simple vase. Repurposing and giving a new life to older items is fun.
  • ALWAYS use archival ink for this technique, especially when using metal, wood or glass. The archival ink bonds the embossing powder to the surface. Embossing inks will not work.
  • An unmounted stamp works well and can easily conform to the shape of your surface.
    Since the vase is glass and the embossing powder is waterproof, this makes a great usable vase for fresh flowers. ***Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!*** and then there’s Mother’s Day. Be ready!
  • Vintage graniteware comes in many colors, so the sky is the limit for color choices.
    This makes a great gift and can be color customized to coordinate with any decor.
    Check your stash for metal embellishments and change them to coordinate with your project.

TRUST ME…try this technique just once and you’ll be on the lookout for things that can “take the heat”!

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